




Additional information




UK Quad (30" x 40") Single Sided

Country of Origin

British / UK


Near Mint minus / Originally Rolled (as issued)


Malcolm Needs


Anita Dobson, Leslie Grantham, Luke Goss, Nicole Sherwin, Steven Berkoff

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“The film is about Charlie Richardson, the inspiration for James Fox’s character in Performance & Organized crime in London.”

“Charlie”, Malcolm Needs’ Brit-Gangster film loosely based on the life and times of notorious London gangster Charlie Richardson and his gang. The original UK quad film poster to accompany the 2004 release features a striking close up of ‘Charlie’ played by Luke Goss. Like many small studio independent releases the advertising campaign was very low key and the UK film poster that accompanied the extremely limited cinema showings is truly scarce. Originally rolled this incredibly scarce example displays to excellent effect and represents a highly sought after piece of collectible film movie memorabilia presented in superb condition.

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Film Description

CharlieMovie Poster

“Luke Goss teams up with Steven Berkoff to tell the real life story of ‘Charlie Richardson’, the head of the notorious ‘Torture gang’. In the sixties, London was owned and ruled by two families, North of the river the Krays, to the South, the Richardsons. Now for the first time in his own words ‘Charlie’ reveals what really happened when he was arrested and tried in what notoriously became known as the ‘Torture Trial’. This is the story of Charlie Richardson who was tried without having the chance to defend himself like he should have. If the trial would be today the case would be thrown out of court (Not my opinion, it says so in the movie).There was four men testifying against him and you’ll be stunned to learn how crooked they were. So Charlie spend 18 years in prison on a sentence of 25 years. While in prison he escaped and, believe it or not, he came back, to give himself up, to finish his sentence.”

Very good film on the life of Charlie Richardson & presented from a very interesting & often convincing angle. Good acting all round, particularly Luke Goss who is absolutely magnificent as Charlie & deserves some good fortune. The time flew by, the story was gripping throughout & the references to other events & figures of the era were well inserted. If there were criticisms the ending seemed a bit of a rush job & left a few ends untied, the juke box court hearing for Frankie Fraser & the brother especially needed clearing up & once or twice the film seemed to jump unnecessarily from story / era to story / era when a little more chronology may have been better. It would also have been good to see what happened to the rest of the gang but hopefully that will come with the DVD. Overall, there was so much possibility with the plot & the angle the film could feasibly have lasted 3 or 4 hours & kept me interested but no doubt a lot had to be sacrificed in the making of it. But despite the story only arguably scratching the surface of the character it was a fantastic film & well well worth a watch. One of the best of the English (Snatch, Lock Stock type) films of this genre I’ve seen.

Vintage Movie Posters Grading Criteria

A poster that has never been used or displayed and may show the most minor signs of age and wear. The poster should have no holes or tears.

Near Mint
A generally unused poster with fresh, saturated colors. May have minimal tears at folds. Has no significant holes, no paper loss, may have minor tears along edges, may have fine pin holes.

Very Fine
A poster with bright colour and crisp overall appearance. It may have very general signs of use including slight fold separation and fold wear. It may have pin holes or very minor tears. This is the highest grade allowed for a poster that has been restored either on linen or on paper.

A poster with good colors and overall clean appearance. It may have minor tears small paper loss and minor stains. It may have some fold seperation.

An average poster with overall fresh color. May have tears, minor paper loss, minor hazing. Paper may be brittle due to age, may have minor stains. May have a small amount of writing in an unobtrusive place. May have medium or major restoration.

A poster with faded colors and brittle paper, showing significant signs of use. May have tears and paper loss. May have tape, writing, stains in image area. In need of restoration or had major restoration.

A poster that is worn, torn, and/or damaged. May have staining, cracking, dry rot, and/or large tears. May be heavily soiled, may have pieces missing. In need of major restoration.

All photographs and images used on our site are photographs of the actual poster/item you are buying, we do not use stock photographs.

Most Popular Poster Types

US Posters

11 x 14″ printed on heavy stock paper. Used as display in theatre lobbies. Originally made in sets of eight. Some sets have a title card, which contains credits and artwork, essentially a mini-poster. The remaining seven cards are coloured photographic credits and poster artwork showing different scenes from the movie.

14 x 22″ printed on heavy stock paper with the top 4-6 inches usually left blank for the local cinema owner to fill in the cinema and the date it was due to play. Largely discontinued during the 1970’s.

22 x 28″ printed on heavy stock paper. The image displayed is normally a smaller version of the main poster, although some do have different artworks and sometimes come in two versions.

14 x 36″ printed on heavy stock paper. Inserts usually have the same artwork as a one sheet. Popular with collectors since they are smaller and easier to frame. Normally come tri folded or rolled.

40 x 60″ printed on heavy stock paper. Rare since they were primarily used for major motion pictures only. Designed to be used outside the theatre, on an easel, normally at a drive-in movie theatre.

27 x 41″ printed on paper. This is the most common size of poster, intended to be displayed in a glass “marquee” case. It is the most sought after size by collectors. Since the 1980’s most posters are sent to the theatre rolled and maybe slightly smaller measuring 27″ by 40″ and with the advent of backlit light boxes a growing number of modern movie posters are available double-sided and the more traditional single-sided.

41 x 81″ printed on paper. These were printed on two or three separate sheets designed to overlap, few survive. Used for larger advertising spaces, normally posted on walls, perfect for huge movie theatres the drive-in, where people could see them from a distance. From the 1970’s on, three-sheets were sometimes printed in one piece and issued as “international” versions to be used abroad.


30 x 40″ Most common poster size used in the UK. British Quads are horizontal and may have different artwork to the US one sheet. Like a US one sheet they normally come in two versions. Like a US one sheet they are usually supplied single-sided or more commonly now as a double sided poster.

27 X 40″, printed on paper. Very rarely used size.


13 x 28″ six inches shorter than the US insert, very nice size to frame. Italian poster illustrators are some of the best in the industry.

18 x 26″ Glossy, high quality, used as lobby cards in Italy. Size may vary, either vertical or horizontal format. There are also double Photobusta or mini Photobusta.

(DUE): 39 x 55″ This is the standard poster size used in Italy. Italian poster illustrators are some of the best in the industry.

(QUATTRO) 55 x 79″ Very large Italian poster printed in two pieces, often contains very beautiful artwork.

FRENCH Posters

47 x 63″ (GRANDE) or 24 x 33″ (PETITE) French movie posters normally come with different artwork to either the US or the UK. Like the Italian’s some of the artwork is extrememly beautiful.