
Radha Mitchell

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  • Pitch Black Movie Poster

    Pitch Black


    “Don’t be afraid of the dark. Be afraid of what’s in the dark”

    An original 2000 US one-sheet movie poster for Vin Diesel’s breakthrough movie “Pitch Black” and the first film to feature Vin’s character Richard B. Riddick which to date (there is talk of a fourth in the works) has spawned three sequels, The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury (2004) (animated), The Chronicles of Riddick (2004), and Riddick (2013).Diesel is brilliant as Riddick, truly menacing but forced to help people who otherwise would only see him as a threat. There is also an underlying humour in his performance as well, which adds another dimension to the character. This is the sort of role that Vin excels in, the anti-hero, whos character is not as one-dimensional as first appears. The poster, designed by New Wave Creative is super stylish with a black and silver colour palette, with the example offered here presented in excellent rolled (as issued) condition. It represents an impressive item of movie memorabilia that looks fantastic and also represents the first movie for one of cinemas most recognisable and successful actors.

    Trivia: The film developed from David Twohy‘s unused idea for Alien³ (1992) involving a space prison.

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