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  • The Vikings Movie Poster

    The Vikings


    “The Terrible Northmen…Sailing on Dragon Ships Like Serpents on the Sea! Shouting a Battle-Cry to Their Awesome God of War, Odin!”.

    A personal favourite and up there for me with “Jason and the Argonauts” as one of the greatest (and most colourful) action, adventure movies of all-time, with both boasting a superb poster and hat statement is illustrated here with a magnificent, original 1958 UK Quad movie poster for Richard Fleischer’s  “The Vikings”. Originally folded (as issued) this beautiful poster displays to very good effect with vibrant, deep, unfaded colours and fantastic  imagery of the two stars Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis. Rarely available with this being the first time we have ever offered one for sale, it represents a fine example of cinematic movie memorabilia and one of the best looking and most collectable film posters from the genre.

    Trivia: Stuntmen had practiced for weeks for the oar walking scenes. Kirk Douglas told director Richard Fleischer that he could do it and did several times. At one point when he did fall in the icy water he calmly swam over to the camera boat and asked if they had gotten good shots. He then swam back to the Viking longboat. Fleischer noted they were watching and filming an activity that had not been done in 1000 years.

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