
First Advance Teaser

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  • James Bond: The Living Daylights Movie Poster

    James Bond: The Living Daylights


    “The New James Bond…Living on the edge…It’s the only way he lives”

    1987 was the end of a historic movie tradition as Brian Bysouth produced the last fully drawn painted James Bond film poster (Fascinating Brian Bysouth interview with Eddie Shannon of Film on Paper) for Timothy Dalton’s 007 debut as “The most dangerous Bond…Ever” in “The Living Daylights”. The first advance teaser poster preceding this was the work of photographer Keith Hamshere as he gave us our first look at Roger Moore’s replacement – Timothy Dalton. Dalton’s colder, grittier portrayal of Bond in “The Living Daylights” is considered by many fans of the franchise to be the closest and most faithful to the characterisation of Bond from the original novels by lan Fleming.The original 1987 UK (country of origin) movie poster offered here is presented  in exceptional unrestored, rolled (as issued) unfolded condition with bright and unfaded, crisp colour tones. Hugely desirable and very collectable, it would be a worthy addition to any collection of James Bond movie memorabilia.

    Trivia: The casting of Frederick Warder and Glyn Baker as 004 and 002 was intentional, due to their resemblance to George Lazenby and Sir Roger Moore, respectively. For the movie’s opening scene, the writers wanted to toy with the audience’s expectations of which of the 00 agents was Bond.

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