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  • Night of the Living Dead Movie Poster

    Night of the Living Dead


    “If it doesn’t scare you, you’re already dead!”

    In 2022 George A. Romero’s zombie classic “Night of the Living Dead”, received an extremely limited release exclusively in certain Japanese cinemas. Designed using zombie footage from the movie their were two poster designs, black, white and lurid green imagery with either a grey or green sky printed to accompany the screenings. Both are particularly haunting with a very retro feel. These country unique, Japanese B2 posters are extremely eye-catching and presented in excellent unrestored, originally rolled (as issued) condition. Incredibly scarce horror artwork and a very rare highly desirable example of cinema memorabilia from perhaps the most influential horror film of the modern era. Both colour styles are equally rare with this example being the ‘green’ sky version.

    “This is like the flood that happened during Noah’s time, or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah! We ARE being punished for our sins! The dead are rising, and Judgment Day is upon us!”

    Trivia: This is one of the most profitable independent movies ever made. Made for $114,000 (equivalent to $941,800 in 2022), it grossed approximately $30 million (equivalent to $247.8 million in 2022) – over 263 times its budget.

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  • Night of the Living Dead Alternative Movie Poster

    Night of the Living Dead


    “If it doesn’t scare you, you’re already dead!”

    In 1968 George A. Romero released the zombie classic “Night of the Living Dead”. The one-sheet poster  that accompanied the release is a true icon of poster design using zombie footage from the movie and printed using black, white and lurid green imagery. The original poster has been reworked and sharpened up in 2024 by Bottlneck Gallery and ISH with colour separations by a true master of his craft – Jason Edmiston, who used the all red style, replicating the look of the 10th Anniversary (1978) one-sheet design. The studio had this to say on the release “George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead helped create the walking dead genre of film, and the original one-sheet movie poster is as bold and iconic now as it was in the late ‘60s. We worked with ISH and artist extraordinaire Jason Edmiston to revive the original one-sheet theatrical poster art in order to create an officially licensed, and horrifyingly awesome, screen print edition! The poster features bold design aesthetics with the title and credit work, all dutifully reanimated by Jason’s deft hand.” Presented in excellent unrestored, originally rolled (as issued) condition this variant edition is hand-numbered #6/100 and comes printed in a deep blood red colour tone. A highly desirable example of cinema memorabilia from perhaps the most influential horror film of the modern era.

    “This is like the flood that happened during Noah’s time, or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah! We ARE being punished for our sins! The dead are rising, and Judgment Day is upon us!”

    Trivia: This is one of the most profitable independent movies ever made. Made for $114,000 (equivalent to $941,800 in 2022), it grossed approximately $30 million (equivalent to $247.8 million in 2022) – over 263 times its budget.

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  • Night of the Living Dead Alternative Movie Poster

    Night of the Living Dead


    “If it doesn’t scare you, you’re already dead!”

    In 1968 George A. Romero released the zombie classic “Night of the Living Dead”. A hugely popular title with many artists, with a number of different designs produced. In 2023 artist, Paul Mann created the first of his Living Dead’ trilogy and it’s fair to say he has produced a stunning alternative movie poster. A truly striking image that is perfectly suited to the portrait format of this edition. This limited edition art print is hand-numbered #26 from a print run of 150. With incredible likenesses of all the major cast, it is the trowel wielding zombie Karen Cooper (Kyra Schon) who takes centre stage with the use of lurid green coloured inks only adding to the eerie effect of this edition. This excellent example presents and displays near perfectly and represents a fantastic piece of collectable movie memorabilia from one of the most influential horror film’s ever made.

    “This is like the flood that happened during Noah’s time, or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah! We ARE being punished for our sins! The dead are rising, and Judgment Day is upon us!”

    Trivia: This is one of the most profitable independent movies ever made. Made for $114,000 (equivalent to $941,800 in 2022), it grossed approximately $30 million (equivalent to $247.8 million in 2022) – over 263 times its budget.

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  • Night of the Living Dead Movie Poster

    Night of the Living Dead


    “If it doesn’t scare you, you’re already dead!”

    In 2022 George A. Romero’s zombie classic “Night of the Living Dead”, received an extremely limited release as part of the Dreams are Monsters tour. The BFI screenings charts how the monsters of horror have evolved, made physical the anxieties of their times, and how we react when faced with the monster within. The season ran from October 2022 to December 2022 with the series horror movies screened at the BFI Southbank and at special one-off special events nationwide. Any posters from this unique season of films are incredibly scarce with paper for the ‘bigger’ (they don’t get much bigger than “Night of the Living Dead”) titles extremely desirable. Designed using zombie silhouettes as they attack the heroDuane Jones the UK quad promoting the NOTLD screening is a great looking horror poster, from the green title and detailing to the black and white imagery. This event and country unique UK quad is presented in excellent unrestored, originally rolled (as issued) condition. Incredibly scarce horror artwork and a very rare highly desirable example of cinema memorabilia from perhaps the most influential horror film of the modern era.

    “This is like the flood that happened during Noah’s time, or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah! We ARE being punished for our sins! The dead are rising, and Judgment Day is upon us!”

    Trivia: This is one of the most profitable independent movies ever made. Made for $114,000 (equivalent to $941,800 in 2022), it grossed approximately $30 million (equivalent to $247.8 million in 2022) – over 263 times its budget.

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