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  • First Blood: Rambo Movie Poster

    First Blood: Rambo


    “This time he’s fighting for his life”

    Back in the early 1980’s when the character of John J. Rambo was introduced to movie screens, filmgoers were dealing with a character that was not displayed as an action icon, but a man who had a lot of demons within him. This is perfectly related here with possibly the imagery of Stallone as the ‘All-American hero’ Rambo on this original 1982 UK Quad film poster for “First Blood”. Beautiful artwork by Drew Struzan using acrylic & coloured pencils this is character defining artwork provides a fitting highlight to one of Stallone’s best films and a reminder as to why he was the most bankable star of the 1980’s. Originally folded (as issued) and totally unrestored, the UK quad film poster offered here remains in excellent high grade condition and represents a first class piece of impressive, very collectable original movie memorabilia for a true Hollywood legend.

    Trivia: Rambo’s trademark combat knife was custom designed by the late Arkansas knife maker Jimmy Lile. The movie popularized knock-off hollow handled survival knives with compasses in the pommel.

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