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  • La La Land Movie Poster

    La La Land


    “People love what other people are passionate about.”

    Although a relatively recent release any paper for Damien Chazelle’s 2016 multi award winning musical romance phenomenon  “La La Land” is extremely scarce. Taking audiences by storm at the box-office it was never expected (by the Studio) to be the huge worldwide success it turned out to be with a merchandising and marketing budget not reflected in the success. Hence the rarity of the film posters. Chazelle’s Oscar winning film was complemented with an award winning movie poster created by the creative arts agency LA. Stylish and simple the movie poster offered here is the British UK quad film poster affectionately known as the “dancing style” with both stars, Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) & Mia (Emma Stone) prominently featured and complemented by the four and five star glowing reviews. Originally rolled (as issued) this looks and displays to very good effect with a design particularly suited to the landscape format of the poster. Absolutely stunning; the deep blue/purple colour range is superb and unfaded with the bright yellow of Stone’s dress shining out like a beacon. Guaranteed original this represents an extremely scarce and desirable item of modern original collectable movie memorabilia from a truly remarkable film.

    Trivia: The plot has strong ties to Emma Stone‘s real-life history. The movie is based in LA, and Mia is discovered as a college dropout actress pursuing her dreams. Stone is a school dropout herself, moving to LA at the age of 15 in pursuit of an acting career.

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