
Peter Sasdy

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  • Nothing-But-The-Night-Movie-Poster

    Nothing But The Night


    “The Nightmare Has Already Killed Five People – Now It’s Yours To Live !”

    A great looking horror poster from the early 1970’s for Peter Sasdy’s much under rated horror thriller starring Christopher Lee & Peter Cushing. This original Nothing But The Night movie poster is from first year of release, 1972 and is a striking example of horror poster design and artwork by Vic Fair that certainly remains in the memory; a flaming star featuring a hanged man; a creepy clown with fireworks for fingers. Very rare and hard to find in such excellent original unrestored condition; the black background is a deep unfaded black whilst the coloured imagery is bright and truly stands out. This scarce, rolled (as issued) example displays and presents superbly and represents an extremely collectable piece of 1970’s British horror cinema memorabilia.

    TRIVIA: This movie was the first and last film produced by a production company called Charlemagne which Christopher Lee and Anthony Nelson-Keys created and attempted to make successful, sadly it didn’t work out.

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