
Gian Keys

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  • The Love Witch Movie Poster

    The Love Witch


    “She Loved Men… To Death.”

    A glorious looking film poster full of colour, designed by Fred Davis with beautiful finished artwork of the ‘love witch’ Samantha Robinson by the extremely talented illustrator Michael Koelsch. Anna Biller’s dark horror comedy was very well received, critically & commercially on its 2016 release and is regarded as a classy ‘modern’ homage to the cheesy ‘B’ movie horror films that prospered during the 1970’s. This country of origin US one-sheet movie poster is from first year of release 2016 and hugely sought after by the film’s hardcore and loyal fan base and horror fans alike. Having a a very limited release, primarily in a small number of ‘art-house’ & ‘specialist’ cinemas combined with a low key advertising campaign the movie poster that accompanied the release is truly scarce. Originally rolled (as issued) this superb unrestored example presents and displays to excellent effect & represents a really exceptional piece of original ‘cult’ film movie memorabilia.

    Click on the title to watch ‘The Love Witch’ Trailer.


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