Donald Cammell

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  • Demon-Seed-Movie-Poster

    Demon Seed


    “A Man has created a Machine. Now the Machine wants to create a Man…”

    One of the most striking film posters of the 1970’s. The eye catching design and artwork for Donald Cammell’s 1977 sci-fi shocker “Demon Seed” is certainly memorable as Julie Christie is attacked by the robot nemesis Proteus IV (voiced by the late Robert Vaughn). With imagery unique to the British release this original UK quad film poster looks impressive and is very sought after…Deep, unfaded colours this unrestored originally folded (as issued) example displays and presents to excellent effects…A scarce poster to find in such high grade condition, this fine example represents a very collectable item of original movie memorabilia from a genuinely thought provoking science fiction film.

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